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Corona Virus keeps Cyber Security Professionals on its toes!

#Go Corona Go # # BE SAFE# #TAKE PRECAUTIONS# #WORK FROM HOME# Everywhere the hash tags are going viral ,right from the BOLLYWOOD CELEBES to the common people, GOVERNMENT TO PRIVATE LIMITED companies, the hash tags are in trend . CORONA has made plenty of COMPANIES to work from home.

Nearly 1.38 MILLION+ population in the GLOBE is working with corporate world.

Precautions from CORONA is almost important but some precautions to avoid yourself to be attacked from CYBER FRAUDSTERS  is additionally important.

Different laptops, computers  and different computer networks and residential networks are used by companies employees to do WORK FROM HOME.
The login and log out of various companies are done from different places at different   times  which has  given hackers an excellent path to hack smoothly. It has become a brand new headache for cyber professional team , as it is difficult for them to grasp which residential network is safe and secured.  

The  government and private limited had taken step to  be safe from CORONA i.e. WORK FROM HOME, a big step to fight with CORONA virus , but together with it  they are creating a giant access to hack the important data and information of the companies.

Cyber professional teams  are facing a big problem these days, as the networks are logged in and out1000 times each day via  residential networks. The lockdowns within  the regional areas have created a controversy  for the corporate world because its being difficult to recognize from where the residential networks are logged in and logged out, are they secured or not.

The residential networks are creating difficulties, as this type of networks aren’t protected with fire wall and security system , whereas the staff using the company’s network or laptops are much more secured and safe.
The staff using residential networks aren’t safe and are in danger to be the target of the fraudsters, as the company cannot monitor the software and therefore the laptop or the personal computers connected with residential network are often affected with malware and is giving a hacker soft routes to focus and target them.
The policy of work from home has never being followed by many companies and therefore the employees were discouraged for the identical, but after the effect of Corona virus everywhere around the globe , sudden decision were taken  to work from home which made the employees safe from Corona.
All we want is a help desk to be provided for the staff that are working from home, because IT companies and many other companies weren’t able to provide a mass network access for remote users until a week ago.
Thousands of the employees were sent back to home with a motto to work from home, during last week of time. The motto has being a grand opening door for the hackers  which was closed before.

The huge number of individuals not only in India but worldwide are working from home. 
The hackers are sending phishing mails to say about the Corona virus by entrusting that they’re the trusted  health agencies , to reduce the stress of Corona.
The news from Europe and America has said that it has made a huge web of cyber scam and hacking that associated with virus.
Its really surprising that how smart this hackers are becoming  now a days .

 The companies  have become a soft target of the hackers that are at work from home using residential network. 

 With daily updates of the virus spread , those  employees  working from home are possibly to click the bogus websites like the one spread on the social media now a days, as per cyber professional team , they click the websites to get relief from all their work stuff. They are too likely to click phishing mails.
We being a cyber professional team want to aware and share some precautions to safeguard the employees who are working from home.
1.    Keep updating your passwords.
2.    Use virtual  private  network authentication.
3.    Keep your kids away from the laptops and work stations  as they may download games and material stuff  infected with malware.
4.    Walk a mile and buy a private home router kit.
5.    Everybody of you should be extra intelligent , if you get a mail for payment, first verify  whom the message is coming from.

We need to fight corona but even we have to be safe because the fraudsters have become smart enough these days.



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