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Man is a social animal and he enjoys living in a society and can function well only if he lives in society only. For the smooth running and functioning of the society certain rules are needed and it’s at most necessary to follow, obey and respect it. The rules followed from ancient times till date is known as law.
1947 before Indian independence, we were under the rule of British.  The ancient Judiciary System followed law and rules according to the British Parliament, i.e. colonial rule, barter system. Later due to the struggle of our freedom fighters we finally became free from the rule of British on 15th August 1947. Our independent judiciary system came into existence on 26th January 1950.

There are various levels of judiciary system in India depending upon their own powers and positions. Till today, the types of court which are operating in India are Supreme Court, High Court, District Court and Magistrate of second class and civil division at bottom.

 The ancient judicial system followed the simple and single law to deal with different situations/crimes but later it became difficult for the Indian Judiciary to distinguish the crime and its punishment, so to make the crime and its punishment easy to recognize, in 1860 the Indian Penal Code was enacted. It was enacted on 6th October 1860 and was commenced on 1st January 1862 with 511 sections and 23 chapters. The only motive behind the same was to make the Indian Judiciary more strong and active.

 The sections under INDIAN PENAL CODE (IPC) kept on amending time to time as per the need and requirement of the law .

The ancient Judiciary system dealt with punishment of same time, due to enactment of INDIAN PENAL CODE(IPC)  offences are divided in bailable and non bailable too , the punishment are given as per the crime committed.

 The judiciary System along with its codification helped the law to run smoothly. The judiciary system first was followed and obeyed all over the India except Jammu & Kashmir, later after the abolishment of the Article 374, the same codification was applicable to the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
The ancient judiciary system was completely dependent on the paper work, an Advocate had to go to the court to check his /her hearing date or the status of the case, but today the judiciary system has adopted the technology. Today even sitting at the home or in his chamber an Advocate is able to connect with its case updates.

The ancient judiciary had difficulty in recognizing the offences and its punishment but thanks to Indian Penal Code, now it has become very easy to classify the offences and its punishments.
Ancient Judiciary was dependent on a single law but later the law were developed and were divided in different types of law like Civil, Criminal, Property, Family and IT which also made the judiciary system modern, easy and developed.

 The amendment of the sections under Indian Penal Code (IPC) also made the judiciary more relevant and easy to tackle modern law problems and hence acts like POSH ACT 2013 that has made a workplace more safe for women, POSCO ACT that has given children a safe environment to stay in society, Transgender Act 2019 which has given the Transgender people an environment of self-respect and self- esteem.
The present situation of COVID 19, the judiciary system is dealing with the urgent matters through video conferencing, Skype and many more.  Not only the people are becoming modern day by day but also our Judiciary system is turning modern to make the work easy for all of us.

The Head Hierarchy of Judiciary System is Supreme court  which was established according to the Regulating Act 1773, later it established in year 1774 in Kolkata. Later it was established as Federal Court, but it came into establishment as Supreme Court under Government of India act on 28th Jan 1950 in New Delhi. It is highest court in India. It works at the country level.

The second most hierarchy of Judiciary system is High Court which was established according to Indian High court act 1861 at three different place that are Kolkata , Madras and Bombay. In year 1862 another high court was established in Allahabad in year 1866. Later in year 2013, three more high courts established in  Meghalaya , Manipur and Tripura . In all there are 24 high court at present . It works at state level.
Due to development of various courts , the justice and the punishment at district level became more easy .
This way the INDIAN JUDICIARY changed from there to here and we dream of a digitalized Judiciary in future on which our Government is working right now.


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