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Dignity & Rights

Transgender, beggars, laborers… these are the words that are made by us, God & Government has never discriminated anyone before them, all are one in the eyes of the Law & God.

Justice delayed but not denied, is it so? We are living in the 21st century; crimes are spreading rapidly as a disease but one major crime that is spreading is human trafficking like hell. Trafficking is a new type of slavery that keeps a common citizen away from their rights and strengthens their dignity. Nearly 80000 people are trafficked over the globe per year that mainly includes the trafficking of the women at most.

Human Trafficking is not a new concept at all it’s an old concept of trade. The people who are trafficked in this are known as slaves and they are treated as property where the owner can use it according to his own will.

Human Trafficking is not only done for one purpose but for various reasons like slaving people for labor work till the modern technique of body organs and tissue markets. According to the reports almost 800,000 people are trafficked over the globe every year as per the recent report.

The term Human Trafficking means to achieve to the end, it does not end the victim of human trafficking and is further forced to do labor work, beggary, and prostitution. We are living in the modern world thinking that everything is wonderful.

India is the favorite destination of the people for human trafficking especially for the trafficking of women and children.

Human trafficking is one of the widest crimes that drive money & these types of crimes are mostly unreported, the constitution of India under Article 15 prohibits discrimination under caste, sex & birth, whereas Article 23 talks about the prohibition of trafficking of human beings and forced labor. Article 39 talks about the protection of the human being from being abused & Article 51 talks about the dignity of the women.

Immoral Trafficking Act 1956 talks about the Human Trafficking but till date, it isn’t clear, Section 4 of the act says that the earning made for living out of the prostitution for children below the age of 18 is a punishable offense, whereas Section 5 talks about a person who takes other for the sake of prostitution and made it punishable for a term not less than 3 years. Indian Penal Code 1860 talks about it directly and indirectly under its relevant sections and also provides punishment for the same.
Kidnapping is the root cause of human trafficking which is covered under Section 360 to 366 of the Indian Penal Code. 

The sections talk about kidnapping the child out of India from lawful guardianship, while Section 366 talks about including women to compel her for marriage under the purpose of illicit intercourse. Section 366 B specifically talks about the girl’s importation from foreign or J&K that is a punishable offense of imprisonment up to 10 years or fine.

The minors are protected under the Juvenile Justice (care & protection) Act 2000 well known as Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO ACT 2012), The Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929.

It is not that the law and order are not there, but without the moral factor, the law cannot run effectively. Strict adherence must be there to regulate the law. With a growing modern world, the modes of transport for human trafficking has become easier.

The various government should come together and work on the violation of the human rights, awareness should be spread among the people so they can be stopped from been the predators of the human trafficking, as they are also the human as we are & protection of their human rights is as essential as ours.


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