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Today the entire world is surrounded by technology and the internet. India is recorded as the topmost country, in the usage of technology. The entire physical business world is turned to e-marketing business.

Thanks to technology, with a single click we get almost all the information on tips of our finger aren’t we lucky? We have been using technology for all the purposes right from business to education.
Do you know there are many pros and cons while dealing with cyber and technology, to protect us from unwanted crimes and consequences, our Indian constitution enacted cyber laws?
Cyber laws are enacted to deal with various crimes related to technology. The rates of cybercrime are on its peak to protect the citizen from online crimes, the Indian constitution enacted the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Cybercrimes are nothing different than other legal aspects, whereas today all the business are done in the digitalized form may it be a contract, property dealings, with the computers. Today’s youth find more comfort in the online truncations or information and also love socializing at most.
Information technology act 2000 has identified old traditional crimes that have taken the face of cybercrime with the help of computers, mobile, internet, and many more. It included different offenses and punishments.

The traditional crimes like robbery, murder, theft have already recognized by the Indian Penal Code. CyberCrimes are increasing because of the maximum use of digital/electronic dealings and less awareness.

We need to be aware of the laws related to Cyber.

There are various types of Cyber Laws under Information Technology Act, 2000:-

  • Identity theft: Stealing of personal information of any person with a fraudulent intention of stealing its private and financial information is termed as Identity Theft. It is mostly done in the name of banks. (included under section66c and 66d).
  • Cyber Terrorism: When the crime is done with fraudulent intention to harm an organization, the state using computer networks is termed as Cyber terrorism .it is done mostly to harm government organizations or the corporate world. (included under section 66F)
  • Cyberbullying: when a teenager or a minor does defamation, harassment using computer networks. It is termed as Cyber Bullying. It is done in a way to play a prank. (included under Section ) when it’s done by an adult it is termed as Cyberstalking.

  • Hacking: when someone’s Id or Password is used fraudulently for the wrongful way is termed as hacking .it is done to steal personal information. (included under Section43).

  • Defamation: when a person crosses his/her lines on the social platform using computer networks while sharing his/her thoughts will be termed as Defamation though the person has freedom of speech. It is mostly done to pinpoint the person's character. (included under Section).
The cyber laws with different offenses had different punishments depending upon the seriousness of the act. Looking at statistics the graph of cybercrime is rising, so the laws were enacted and made strong. The first case under the cybercrime was recorded in the year 1820 February on a web hosting company.

The cyber law included legal recognition of digital signatures, documents, and transactions. Cyberlaw also enacted and amended the Indian Penal Code 1860, Indian Evidence Act, Bankers Book Evidence Act, and RBI act.

Looking at the present scenario the cyber act (Information Technology Act was enacted in the year 2000, 20 years before, the act ahs to amend as today the entire world is technology-based, due to which crimes are ease to be committed by fraudsters.

Remember our safety is in our hands, 

  • Never share your data and personal information with anyone.
  • Never share your OTP
  • Keep changing your passwords time to time 
  • Never keep your passwords as the date of birth, phone number, name, or any simple password that anyone can target or hack it.
  • Never answer bank-related calls asking your details, the bank never does this.

Be safe, Be aware


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