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Respecting elders are what we teach our children from the peerage, but have we taught them to respect should not be just in mere words but it should be seen in actions too.

India has a vast history in women where they have fought for the nation. Today the women have made vast progress in not only the domestic field but also in the professional field, the loud voice of women these days are heard in parliament, courts, and offices, while somewhere women are fighting for their basic needs and rights.

Women like Rani Laxmi Bai was the first women fighter, Kalpana Chawla was the first women in the space. Even the women in the Bollywood industry are at the top like Aishwarya rai, Sushmita Sen has marked their place as Miss Universe and Miss World.

Crime rates in India are on its peak; especially against women National Crime Report Bureau says that crimes like rape, murder, dowry, molestation, acid attack cases are high among women, the estimated rates are 80% more than men.

Rates of crime are highly observed in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata. Delhi the capital of the nation is recorded as an unsafe city for women.

Today where we see that ¼th of the women are unaware of their rights. Indian Judiciary System has given equal and genders neutral laws for both men and women. The women so can go and knock the doors of the court as and when required as per the various fundamental rights granted by the Indian Constitution by means of various Articles.

The Indian Penal Code 1860 has given various sections and acts where the women can take appropriate steps towards the crime happening against here. Dowry Prohibition Act, Prevention of Sexual harassment act.

Today 75% of women are working independently in the public and private sectors. 

Women today are making ultimate progress in their field. Domestic work with professional responsibility with this stabilization the women today have become strong, but the mindset of men looking towards women has still not changed in many cities and towns.

Due to ultimate progress, women have to work harder and sometimes they have to return home late at night, wherein during this time they have to tackle and face many problems like the fear of the person they are traveling with by public or private vehicles. Before stepping from the house she has to check herself a thousand times about her dress and looks, why??? Just because she is a woman, just because she fears a man outside who always has thought that she is a piece of meat for her.
50% of women today are facing the abuse, eve-teasing, and harassment at the workplace through government after the hilarious act of Nirbhaya in Delhi has made strict rules, but who will change the mindset of the people.

The first hilarious Gang rape was done in the state of Rajasthan where the woman was raped just because she was against the marriage of a year-old girl. The heartbreaks even when we hear that the guards of law and people cannot help such victims.

The Non-Profit Organization named Vishaka Came forward and helped the women, later the strict guidelines named Vaisakha came into force, but very few people were aware of it, so after the hilarious act of Nirbhaya with the help of Vishaka Guidelines, Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Prevention Prohibition and Redressal ) act 2013 came into force. 

 Prevention of Sexual Harassment act 2013 which is most commonly known as Posh was Enacted in the year 2013, to provide a safe and gender-neutral environment to a woman. The act says that any physical or mental abuse to a woman is a punishable offense. Wherein the Nation Crime Report Bureau also says that 45% of women out of fear of losing the job do not report the complaints to which the act has made it mandatory for all the public and private sectors and institution that have 10 or more employees to form an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC). Employers who fail to adopt an Internal Complaint committee will be charged a fine of Rs 50,000 and if found twice that the ICC hasn’t been formed will be held with a cancellation of the license or the registration. 

Many of the companies have an Internal Complaint Committee or Posh policies but the companies are not well trained with the same, wherein the women after filing the complaint are threatened, so the act had also given interim relief to a woman where she can take a paid leave of 3 months or she can take a transfer to another place. 

Also noticed several companies do not conduct a proper investigation to which the women have to lose her job. Therefore the act says that an Internal Complaint Committee must constitute of a women Preceding officer at senior post who has sufficient knowledge of the law, two women employees, an external member to make an equal justice the member must be from an NGO who must be involved in the social cause of women or must have knowledge about it. The act also says the Internal Complaint Committee must have ¼ of its members as women.

The investigation should complete within 90 days and the report must be submitted to the district officer or the employer. The act also says the annual report should every submitted to the district office with the correct number of cases filed and disposed of. Proper training should be given to both the male and female employees especially the HRs as they are the most trusted person in the sector.
Many people respect women in words but not in actions, their actions prove something different, which has worsened the crime rates against them and also had awakened the feeling of fear not outside but also inside the home where she feels herself the safest person.

Remember safety begins from home itself.    


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